Thursday, March 8, 2012

In like a Lion

First transplant clinic appointment in March

March 5, 2012
From Kimberly: Just left Audree's weekly transplant appointment. We had to come in today, instead of Thursday since she has another speech therapy (swallowing/feeding) appointment this Thursday. We had some positives and negatives with this visit. Audree no longer needs her feeding tube! I had changed the nipple size of her bottles to a 4 and she is doing so well with her feedings! Audree has also continued to gain weight! She is now 14.96 lbs and 68 cm! Her bloodwork went smoothly, and her other organs look very good still. Before she got her shot of "liquid gold" (synagis) they used a numbing cream on her leg, to help with the pain - that shot is a beast! Now for the not so good side... Audree's blood pressure and BNP level have been consistently elevating. Both of these things indicate that her heart failure is worsening. We will have an ECHO in 2 weeks. Also, the Cardiologist increased one of her meds to 3.0 ml a day to try to bring her blood pressure back down. The max is 3.2 ml a day so we are getting very close to having to make some changes. Please continue to pray that we will receive a miracle! Complete healing or a new heart. Thank you!

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